First (1): Preface :
1/a: Where LARA HOME (hereinafter referred to as “LARA HOME” or “we”) operates an e-commerce platform consisting of a “marketplace” website with logistics and payment assistance services for buying and selling consumer products (“LARA HOME Store”) in Kuwait.
1/b: These general terms and conditions apply to sellers and buyers on the LARA HOME website and these general terms and conditions govern your use of the LARA HOME website and any related services .
1 / A: When you use the LARA HOME website, you acknowledge that you accept these general terms and conditions in full, and in the event that you do not agree to the general terms and conditions or part of them, you must not use the LARA HOME store.
1/D: In the event that you use the LARA HOME store while carrying out other organizational projects or works, you acknowledge the following : –
1/d/a: You have obtained the necessary authority to agree to these General Terms and Conditions.
1 / d / b: You guarantee your commitment and that of a natural or legal person or any other legal entity that runs your business or organizational project with the general terms and conditions contained in this contract.
1 / d / c: You agree that the pronoun “you” in these General Terms and Conditions refers to the single user and the concerned person, company or legal entity, unless otherwise required .
Second (2) Registration and account creation:
2 / A: It is not permissible to register on the LARA HOME website if you are under 18 years old, and accordingly you acknowledge that you have exceeded this age (when using the LARA HOME store or agreeing to these general terms and conditions, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old).
2 / b: You can register to create an account on the LARA HOME store by completing the registration form and sending it to the LARA HOME store .
2/c: You represent and warrant that all information provided in the registration form is complete and accurate .
2 / D: If you register to open an account on the LARA HOME store , an email address/username and password will be requested and you agree to the following :
2/d/a: Keep your password confidential.
2 / d / b: Notify LARA HOME immediately (through the means of communication shown on the site) in the event of revealing your password.
2 / d / c: You acknowledge your responsibility for any activity on the LARA HOME store resulting from your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your password, and that you may be considered responsible for any losses arising as a result of this failure .
2/e: You are obligated to use the account on your own, and that account may not be transferred to any third party, and you will be responsible if you authorize the management of your account to any third party .
2/f: LARA HOME has the right, at its absolute discretion and without prior notice or giving reasons, to suspend or cancel your account, and/or modify the account data, with LARA HOME ‘s obligation to refund any of the products or services you have purchased on the site as long as it is not You violate these general terms and conditions .
2 / h: You can cancel your account on the LARA HOME store by communicating with us as indicated in the section on communicating with the site administration .
Third (3): Terms and Conditions of Sale:
3 / A: You acknowledge and agree to the following : –
3 / a / 1 : that the LARA HOME store is a website for sellers to sell their products and for buyers to buy these products.
3 / a / 2 : Although LARA HOME accepts binding sales on behalf of the seller, LARA HOME is in no way considered a party to the transaction between seller and buyer.
3 / A / 3: A sale and purchase contract for the product or products is concluded between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, you are committed to buying or selling the product or products when the buyer confirms the purchase through the LARA HOME website .
3 / b: The sale and purchase contract between the buyer and seller is subject to the terms of the seller’s business in accordance with these general terms and conditions. Nevertheless, the following texts are added to the sale and purchase contract between the buyer and seller :
3 / b / 1: Selling at the same price as the product mentioned in the list of products.
3 / b / 2: The price of the product includes all kinds of taxes, taking into account all the laws in force from time to time.
3 / b / 3: Delivery, packing and transportation charges, administrative fees, insurance costs, and other additional costs and fees are to be paid by the buyer only if such fees and costs are clearly mentioned on the product listing.
3 / b / 4: The products must be of a quality that meets the buyer’s satisfaction and be suitable and safe for any purpose specified in the description of the listed product and must match all physical specifications according to the description of the product listed by the buyer on the LARA HOME website .
3 / b / 5: The seller warrants that he has the right to sell the products, that he is the only legal owner and beneficiary of the products, and that the products are not subject to any rights or restrictions of third parties including third party intellectual property rights and/or the existence of criminal proceedings or insolvency Or investigations or tax procedures or seizures or mortgages or any rights in kind for the state or others .
Fourth (4): Returning Products and Refunding Their Value:
4/a: Product returns are managed by Buyers and Returned Products accepted by Seller by LARA HOME in accordance with the Returns page on the LARA HOME website , as may be amended from time to time. Acceptance of the returned product is at LARA HOME’s own discretion, and is subject to the laws in force .
4/b: Refunds for returned products are managed in accordance with the refunds page on the LARA HOME website, as may be amended from time to time and LARA HOME rules regarding refunds apply at LARA HOME’s discretion, subject to applicable laws in the region and LARA HOME may offer a refund The value of the returned products at its discretion, taking into account the following :
4 / b / 1: the price of the product  .
4/B/2: Domestic and/or international shipping charges.
4 / b / 3: The value of the product shall be refunded by depositing a balance in the account on the LARA HOME website, or in the electronic wallet, or by means of purchase vouchers, or a telephone transfer, or a bank transfer or any other method that we may specify from time to time .
4 / A: Returned products are accepted and the value of the returned products is refunded by LARA HOME on behalf of the seller .
4/d: The amendments made to the returns page or the refunds page in relation to all purchases shall be effective from the date of publishing the amendment on the LARA HOME website .
Fifth: Payments:
Payments due under these General Terms and Conditions shall be made in accordance with the Payments Information and Guidelines on the LARA HOME website.
Sixth (6) Rules of Content:
6/a: In these General Terms and Conditions, “Your Content” means the following :
6 / A / 1 : All works and materials (including but not limited to written texts, graphics, images, audio content, video, audio-visual materials, manuscripts, software and files) that Seller sends to LARA HOME for storage, publication, processing or subsequent transmission.
6 / a / 2 : All communications on the LARA HOME website, including product reviews, ratings, comments and any inquiries about the products and merchandise offered.
6/b: Your Content and LARA HOME’s use of such Content must be accurate, complete and truthful in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions .
6/c: Your content must be decent, civil and tasteful and conform to generally accepted standards of online etiquette and behavior, and must not : –
6/c/1: offensive, indecent, indecent, pornographic, obscene, suggestive or sexual content.
6/c/2: Pictures showing violence in an explicit, pictorial or unjustified manner.
6/c/3: calls for the violation of laws relating to racism, religion, hatred or discrimination.
6/c/4: Content that is deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, anti-social, inciting hatred, discrimination, or inflammatory content.
6 / c / 5: Any content that is likely to cause inconvenience, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any person.
6 / c / 6: random and unwanted content .
6/d: Your Content must not be unlawful or unlawful, violate any person’s legal rights, or cause any legal action against any person (in any case, in a judicial system and under any applicable law) and must not Your content is a breach or breach of the following :
6/d/1: Any copyright, moral rights, database rights, trademark rights, design rights, intellectual property use rights, or any other intellectual property rights .
6/d/2: Any rights of trust, privacy or rights under data protection laws.
6/d/3: Any contractual obligation owed to any person.
6/d/4: Any judgment issued under any court judgment .
6/e: You are committed not to use the site to link to any website or web page that consists of or provides content that would violate the general terms and conditions if it was published on the LARA HOME website .
6/f: You are committed not to display any content on the LARA HOME website that is or was the subject of any legal procedures or any other similar complaint from any third party .
6/h: The evaluation feature is used on the LARA HOME website to facilitate the evaluation of products by the buyer, and you may not use the evaluation feature or any other form of communication to provide inaccurate, incorrect or fake evaluations .
6/g: You are committed not to interfere with any type of transaction by contacting another user to buy or sell a product listed on the LARA HOME store outside the LARA HOME website or communicating with a user who has active or completed transactions to warn him of a particular buyer, seller or product or contact with another user with the intent of collecting any payments .  
6/M: You acknowledge that all users of the LARA HOME store are solely responsible for interacting with other users and you should be careful when communicating with users and not send personal information including credit card details to users .
6/N: LARA HOME has the right to review your content periodically and has the right to remove any content at its discretion for any reason .
6/j: You will inform LARA HOME immediately if you discover any illegal content or activity on the LARA HOME website or any content or activity that violates these General Terms and Conditions, by communicating with LARA HOME in accordance with Clause 23 of the General Terms and Conditions .
Seventh (7) LARA HOME’s Rights to Use Content:
7/A: You grant LARA HOME a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reformat, copy, publish, translate and distribute Your Content through the LARA HOME Marketing Channels and any existing or future media .
7/B: LARA HOME is granted the right to license the rights licensed under Clause No. (7/A) to other parties .
7/C: LARA HOME is granted the right to file a lawsuit for violating the rights licensed under Clause No. (7/A) .
7/d: You hereby waive all of your moral rights in Your Content to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law; You represent and warrant that all other moral rights in Your Content are waived to the fullest extent permitted by law .
7/E: If you violate the Content Rules in any way, or if LARA HOME is reasonably suspected of breaching the Content Rules, LARA HOME may delete, unpublish, or modify any or all of the Seller Content without prejudice to LARA HOME’s rights other debt under these general terms and conditions .
Eighth (8) Use of the Website and Mobile Applications:
8/a: In Section 8, the words “shop” and “site” will be used interchangeably to refer to the LARA HOME website and mobile applications .
8/b: You may do the following :
8/b/1: View pages from the LARA HOME website on a browser.
8/b/2: Download pages from the LARA HOME website for temporary retention.
8/b/3: Printing pages from the LARA HOME website for personal and non-commercial use, provided that such printing is not periodically or excessively.
8 / b / 4 : Download audio and video files from the LARA HOME website using the video and audio content player.
8 / b / 5: Using the services of our store via the browser, taking into account the other provisions of these general terms and conditions .
8/c: Except as permitted in Clause No. (8/b) or other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, you are obligated not to download any content from the LARA HOME website or save any such content to your computer .
8/d: The LARA HOME Website may only be used for your personal and commercial purposes in connection with the sale or purchase of products on the LARA HOME Website.
8/e: You are committed not to modify or change any content on the LARA HOME website, except as expressly permitted in these general terms and conditions .
8/f: If you do not own or manage any rights to any content on the LARA HOME website, you are obligated not to : –
8/f/1: Republish content on the LARA HOME website (including republishing on another website).
8/f/2: Selling, renting or licensing content from the LARA HOME website.
8/f/3: View any content from the LARA HOME website in general.
8/f/4: Exploitation of Content for commercial or personal purposes.
8/f/5: Redistribution of content .
8/h: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8/f, links to products and redistribution of the LARA HOME newsletter and promotional content of LARA HOME in print or electronic form may be redirected to any person .
8 / g: LARA HOME has the right to suspend or restrict access to the LARA HOME website in whole or in part and/or the use of any feature on the LARA HOME website, and LARA HOME has the right, for example, to suspend access to the site during the work of site server maintenance or updates to the LARA HOME site Al-Din, provided that you commit not to deceive or bypass any procedures to access the LARA HOME website .
8 / m: You are committed not to do the following : –
8/M/1: Using the LARA HOME website in any way or taking any action that would or might cause damage to the website or impede the website’s performance, availability, accessibility, integrity or security.
8/M/2: Using the LARA HOME website in any way that is immoral, illegal, illegitimate, fraudulent or harmful or in connection with any illegal, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity.
8 / M / 3: hacking or manipulating the LARA HOME website.
8/M/4: Investigation, examination or testing of the site without permission from LARA HOME.
8 / m / 5: To circumvent any systems or procedures of authentication or protection on or related to our site.
8/M/6: Using the LARA HOME website to copy, store, host, transmit, transmit, use, publish or distribute any content consisting of (or relating to) any spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse , worm , keystroke logger , or rootkit or other malicious computer programs.
8/m/7: imposes an unreasonably large load on LARA HOME’s resources (including bandwidth, storage, and processing capacity).
8/M/8: Decrypt any communications sent by or to our site without permission from LARA HOME.
8/M/9: Carry out any systematic or automatic data collection activities (including but not limited to scraping, mining, extraction and data collection) on or in connection with the Site without our express written consent.
8/M/10: Accessing or interacting with the LARA HOME website by using any robot, spider or any other automated means, except for the purpose of indexing a search engine.
8 / m / 11: Use our website only through our public interface.
8 / M / 12: Violation of the instructions contained in all terms of the terms, conditions and privacy agreements on the LARA HOME website.
8/M/13: Use data collected from the LARA HOME website for any direct marketing activity (including, but not limited to, email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing and direct mail).
8/M/14: Doing anything that interferes with the normal use of the LARA HOME website .
Ninth (9) Copyrights and Trademarks:
9 / A: Subject to the express provisions of these general terms and conditions : –
9/a/1: LARA HOME and its licensors own all copyright and other intellectual property rights of the LARA HOME Site and all content on the Site.
9 / A / 2: All copyrights and other intellectual property rights of the LARA HOME website and the contents on the website are reserved .
9/b: All LARA HOME logos and other registered and unregistered trademarks are trademarks of LARA HOME alone; LARA HOME does not allow the use of these trademarks, and their use is a violation of LARA HOME’s rights .
9 / A: The trademarks of third parties, whether registered or not registered on the LARA HOME website, are the property of their respective owners and do not guarantee LARA HOME and LARA HOME has no connection with the parties that own the trademarks. Therefore, LARA HOME may not grant any licenses for these marks .
Tenth (10) Data Privacy and Confidentiality:
10/a: Sellers agree to process their personal data in accordance with the LARA HOME Privacy and Cookie Notice .
10/b: LARA HOME processes all personal data obtained through the LARA HOME Store and related services in accordance with the Privacy Terms, Cookie Notice and Privacy Policy. 
10/c: Sellers are directly responsible towards buyers in case of misuse of buyers’ personal data, and LARA HOME will not bear any responsibility towards buyers in case of misuse of buyers’ personal data .
Eleventh (11) Due diligence and audit rights
11/a: LARA HOME operates an anti-money laundering program and reserves the right to conduct due diligence checks on all LARA HOME store users .
11/b: You are obligated to provide all information and documents related to your commercial activity, in addition to the possibility of entering your commercial premises upon our request and for the following reasons :
11/b/1: In order to verify your compliance with the terms and conditions of this contract and the implementation of your obligations under it.
11/b/2: for the purpose of submitting statements under an order issued by a court or other governmental body.
11/b/3: As required by law or applicable regulations .
Twelfth (12) LARA HOME’s role as an online store
12/a: You acknowledge the following :
12/a/1: LARA HOME cannot verify the identity of all store users, and LARA HOME does not verify their financial/credit capabilities, intentions, or examinations.
12/a/2: LARA HOME does not verify, check or monitor all the information listed.
12/a/3: We are not a party to any contract for the sale or purchase of products that are advertised on the LARA HOME Store.
12/a/4: We are not involved in any transaction between the buyer and the seller in any way, and we only facilitate the sales process between the seller and the buyer and complete the payments on behalf of the sellers.
12 / A / 5: LARA HOME is not an agent of any buyer or seller, and accordingly, LARA HOME is not responsible to any person in connection with an offer to sell, sell or buy any of the products advertised on the LARA HOME website. In addition, it is not considered LARA HOME is responsible for carrying out any contractual obligations arising from a contract of sale or purchase of any products and LARA HOME will not have any obligation to mediate between the parties to any contract .
12/b: LARA HOME does not guarantee or represent :
12 / b / 1: The completeness and accuracy of the information published on the LARA HOME store.
12 / b / 2: The content on the LARA HOME website is constantly updated.
12/b/3: There are no operating errors on the LARA HOME online store website.
12/b/4: The website remains available or any of the services remain available .
12/c: LARA HOME reserves the right to discontinue or change any or all of the LARA HOME Store services, and stop posting content to the LARA HOME Store, at any time at LARA HOME’s sole discretion without any notice or explanation; You will not be entitled to any compensation for stopping or changing any of the LARA HOME store’s services or stopping its publication .
12 / d: We do not guarantee any commercial results related to the use of the site .
12/e: The representations and warranties related to these general terms and conditions and the LARA HOME store and its use to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law shall not be taken into account, subject to Clause No. 13/a .
Thirteen (13) Limitation and Exclusion of Liability:
13/a: The general terms and conditions do not include :
13/a/1: defines any responsibilities in any way that violates the provisions of applicable law.
13/a/2: It excludes any legal obligations or rights that it may not exclude under the law.
13/b: Limitation and exclusion of liability stipulated in Section 13 and other texts in accordance with the following general terms and conditions   :
13/b/1: Subject to Section 13/a of the General Terms and Conditions.
13/b/2: govern all obligations arising under these General Terms and Conditions or relating to the subject matter of these General Terms and Conditions, including civil liability arising from fault (including negligence) and breach of obligations arising from law, except as expressly provided in these General Terms and Conditions. General terms and conditions .
13 / A: LARA HOME shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage of any kind resulting from the services provided free of charge.
13 / d: The total liability of LARA HOME to you in connection with any contract to provide services to you in accordance with these general terms and conditions payable to LARA HOME under that contract, and each separate transaction on the LARA HOME store is a separate contract in the application of the provisions of this clause 13 / d.
13/e: Without prejudice to Clause 13/d, LARA HOME shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage of any kind, including in relation to the following :
13/e/1: any losses resulting from any interruption or malfunction of the site.
13/e/2: any losses resulting from any event or events beyond LARA HOME’s reasonable control.
13/e/3: any business losses, including, without limitation, loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, business opportunities, or goodwill.
13/e/4: Any loss or damage to any data, database or programs.
13/e/5: any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage .
13/f: Since it is in LARA HOME’s interest to limit the personal liability of his officials and employees, and taking into account this interest, you acknowledge that LARA HOME is a limited liability entity; You agree and undertake not to bring any personal action against LARA HOME officials or employees in connection with any losses you incur in connection with the LARA HOME Store or these General Terms and Conditions (and this will not limit or exclude the liability of the Limited Liability Entity for the acts and omissions of LARA HOME officials and employees.
13/h: The LARA HOME website includes links to other websites that are owned and operated by third parties; These links are not recommendations and we have no control over the third party websites and their contents, and we accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may result from your use of them .
Fourteenth (14) compensation
14/a: You undertake under these General Terms and Conditions to indemnify LARA HOME for : –
14/a/1: any and all losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses (including without limitation; legal expenses and any amounts incurred by LARA HOME to any third party to settle a claim or dispute) which LARA HOME incurs and which arise directly or indirectly from Your use of the LARA HOME Store or any violation by you of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions or the LARA HOME Terms, Policies or Guidelines.
14/a/2: Any liability for value added tax or any other tax liability that LARA HOME may incur in connection with any sale, supply or purchase made through the LARA HOME Store, arising from your failure to pay, withhold, advertise or register to pay Value Added Tax or any other tax due in any region .
Fifteen (15) Violation of the General Terms and Conditions:
15 / A: In the event that LARA HOME allows the registration of an account on the LARA HOME store, it will remain in existence indefinitely, subject to these general terms and conditions .
15/b: If you breach any of the obligations contained in these General Terms and Conditions, or if LARA HOME is suspected of violating the General Terms and Conditions or any of the provisions, policies or guidelines of LARA HOME in any way, LARA HOME has the right to: as follows :
15/b/1: Your access to the LARA HOME Store is temporarily suspended.
15/b/2: Permanently prevents you from accessing the LARA HOME Store.
15/b/3: Block computers using your IP from accessing the LARA HOME Store.
15/b/4: Reach out to any or all of your ISPs and request that they block your access to the LARA HOME Store.
15/b/5: Suspend or delete your account from the LARA HOME website.
15 / B / 6: Initiating legal actions against you, whether due to breach of contract or otherwise .
15/c: You shall not take any action to circumvent the suspension, prohibition or blocking of your access to the LARA HOME Store (including but not limited to creating and/or using a different account) in the event LARA HOME suspends, prevents or blocks your access to the LARA HOME store in whole or in part Sixteenth (16) total contract
These General Terms and Conditions and the LARA HOME Terms, Policies and Guidelines (and in relation to the Seller, the Seller Terms and Conditions are added) constitute the entire agreement between you and LARA HOME with respect to your use of the LARA HOME Store and will supersede all prior agreements between you and LARA HOME .
Seventeen (17) sequence of terms and conditions.
In the event that these General Terms and Conditions conflict with Seller Terms and Conditions, LARA HOME Terms, Policies and Guidelines, these General Terms and Conditions, Seller Terms and Conditions, and LARA HOME Terms, Policies and Guidelines will operate in the order described in this section .
Eighteen (18) Revision and Amendment:
18/a: LARA HOME has the right to review and amend these General Terms and Conditions, Seller Terms and Conditions, and LARA HOME Terms, Policies and Guidelines from time to time .
18 / b: The general terms and conditions that have been revised or modified from the date of publication apply to the LARA HOME store.
Nineteen (19) Possibility of Separation:
19/a: If a court or other competent authority decides that a provision of these General Terms and Conditions is illegal and/or unenforceable, the other provisions will remain in effect .
19/b: If any illegal and/or unenforceable provision of these General Terms and Conditions exists and would be legal or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed omitted, and the remainder of the clause will remain in effect .
Twenty (20) authorization
20/A: You hereby agree that LARA HOME may assign, transfer, sub-contract or dispose of its rights and/or obligations under these General Terms and Conditions .
20/b: You may not, without the written consent of LARA HOME, assign, transfer, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of any of your rights and/or obligations under these General Terms and Conditions .
Twenty-first (21) Third Party Rights
21 / A: The contract under these General Terms and Conditions is for our benefit and for you, and it is not intended for a third party to benefit from it or to be enforceable by any third party .
21/b: The exercise of the rights of the parties stemming from a contract concluded under these general terms and conditions is not subject to the approval of any third party .
Twenty-two (22) Law and Jurisdiction
22/a: These general terms and conditions are governed by the laws .
22/b: Any disputes related to these general terms and conditions shall be subject to the jurisdiction .
Twenty-third (23) Details about LARA HOME Company:
ADDRESS- South Farwaniya, Dajeej – Homez Mall
You can contact us:
If you are a buyer, through the contact information available on the store or in Contact Us Page


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